I Warned You: “Americans” Freed From Iran Are US-Haters, Attack America

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Who is Roger Friedman?: FOX News’ Very Liberal “Movie Critic”

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Their “Environment”: HAMAS Financier to Perform at Live Earth Concert

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

No “Peace Train”: Why is America Embracing Extremist Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)?

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Cat Stevens: Simmering HAMASnik, CrotchWoman & the Ignoble Nobel Peace Prize

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Jennings-ette: New ABC Anchoratrix Vargas Soft on Islamic Terror

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Another Halloween Costume: Tampon Man Now Islam’s Envoy to U.S.

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

OY VEY! Not Dr. Phil AGAIN! . . . .on ABC News

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’

Jewish Republicans Host Islamic Terror Supporter

Posts Tagged ‘Yusuf Islam’