Et Tu, Dennis Prager?: Talk Show Host Observes Yom Kippur w/ Whining Muslim Extremist; UPDATE: Prager “Responds”

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

Taking Bets: “Religion of Peace” and Fatal Trampling

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

H. L. Schlussel, M.D., My Dad, Z”L* (1937-2007): Blessed Be The Memory of an American Patriot, Proud Jew

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

Fasting Today – 9th of Av

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Homeland Security Wishes You A Happy Eid Al-Fitr

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

To My Readers: In Observance of Yom Kippur

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

On Yom Kippur, Have an Easy Fast . . . & a Good Year!

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’

“The War Within”: NBA’s Mark Cuban Produces Sympathetic Homicide Bomber Film (Blows up Grand Central)

Posts Tagged ‘Yom Kippur’