Chicks Fail Marine Infantry Course . . . AGAIN: Women in Combat Preview; “Gender-Neutral Standards” on the Way

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Natasha Smith Gang Rape VIDEO: Another Lara Logan Fantasist Gets Taste of Islamic “Democracy” in Tahrir Square

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Woman Who Bragged About Brazilian Vagina Wax, Orgasms Now Headlining Obama Women’s Campaign

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

HUH? Wall St Journal Now Asking Thelma & Louise for Economic Advice

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

HUH? Wall St Journal & Walmart Tell US Men: Time to Give Up & Become Chicks

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

“Captain America” Whitewashes the Nazis – No Swastikas; Disappearing Insignia on US Soldiers

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Party Like It’s 699: Prince Says Islam is Fun, Applauds Burqas

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Keep Women Out of the Navy SEALs!: TV Show Pimps Us on SEAL Feminism

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Thanks, Obama: “Liberated” Egypt Does Virginity Checks of Chicks, Will Outlaw Protests

Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Oslo News VIDEO: Muslims Committed ALL RAPES in Past 5 Years! (In Oslo)

Posts Tagged ‘Women’