Gay Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry’s Hubby-Hubby From Cindy Sheehan’s Friends

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

Michigan Prez Primary Analysis & Predictions: Cankles and McCain (Romney Likely 2nd)

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

Bush 2nd Most Popular 2008 Calendar . . . And, PLEASE, No More Naked Old Lady Charity Calendars

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

UPDATE: H-1B Avoidance Law Firm Engages in CYA; Under Investigation?; Even Socialist Senator Decries H-1B Fraud

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

Does David Crosby Know About This?: Sperm Donor to Lesbians Must Pay Child Support

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

New Citizenship Test Questions Announced: Few Changes & a Waste of Time

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

Hypocrisy on Terrorism in Europe . . . AND America

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’

This Week in the Illegal Alien Invasion: Outrageous Shoe Giveaway to Illegals, Etc.

Posts Tagged ‘Vermont’