Happy Flag Day, America & Happy B-Day, US Army

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

The Story Behind the Rise in Army Suicides

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

Bush’s “Democratic” Extremist Iraq: Policewomen Ordered to Turn in Guns, Sent to Desk Duty

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

Wall St. Journal’s Liberal Movie Critic: “Redacted” is “Dismal”, “Propaganda”, “Speculative and Utterly Unconvincing”

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

H. L. Schlussel, M.D., My Dad, Z”L* (1937-2007): Blessed Be The Memory of an American Patriot, Proud Jew

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

EXCLUSIVE: Top Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS Official Infiltrated NASA, Now Iraqi Ambassador to Japan; ICE/DoJ Ties

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

88,000 Still Missing: Bring ALL of Our POW MIAs Home

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

Rocket Launcher on Front Lawn of House Under Flight Path of Newark Airport

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

Religion of Military Kickbacks, Bribes & Embezzlement?

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’

On Memorial Day, the True American Heroes Remembered

Posts Tagged ‘United States Army’