VIDEO: Hezbollah Comes to MMA Fighting Boxing Ring

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

UK Finally Restricts (Muslim) Immigration, Too Little, Too Late (US Should Take the Hint)

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

Party Like It’s 699: Prince Says Islam is Fun, Applauds Burqas

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

US’ Mid-East Envoy Tony Blair: “I Read the Koran Every Day”

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

Praise allah, Ultimate Must-Have Royal Wedding Accessory Now Available

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

UK Courts Lean Toward Releasing Palestinian El Al Bomber

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

So Much For Countries “Liking US Better” w/ Obama

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

UK Embassy Officials in Israel Sold Arms to HAMAS (to Attack Stadium)

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

Muslim Campaign: “Evil” Christmas “Causes Rape”

Posts Tagged ‘UK’

Wikileaks: Huge #s of UK Muslims Support Violent Jihad, Sharia; Muslims Most Likely 2B Unemployed, Claim “Disability”

Posts Tagged ‘UK’