Trayvon Martin’s Filthy Porno-esque Tweets: If Obama Had a Son, Would He Talk Like This?

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Sports Columnist Says Asians Have Small Penis – Did He Get to Keep His Job b/c He’s Black?

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Purple Jihad: Gay Thought Police Win Another One – Don’t Attack Pink on Twitter!

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HILARIOUS VIDEO: “What the Hell Happened to US?!”

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You Stay Classy: The Response I Got For Tweeting About Alec Baldwin

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Hurricane Jihad Tweets of the Day

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SCHMUCK: Pittsburgh Steeler Rashard Mendenhall Feels for Bin Laden; “We’ve Only Heard One Side”

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On Osama Kill & Islam – Sheen v. Tyson: Sometimes a Broken Clock . . .

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Sarah Palin’s Senator Has His “Jersey Shore” Priorities

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