Continuing Trial Defending Dearborn Non-Muslim Teacher

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OUTRAGE: Jury Convicts Disabled Veteran For Defending Self, Saving Lives

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“Good Friday”: In Jones Trial Coverage, FOX News Censors Koran Burning Video

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OUTRAGE: Islamo-Pandering Prosecutors vs. the First Amendment II

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Meet Barry Bonds’ Son, Nikolai – Entertaining Interview

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What Happens When Female Muslim Cop Becomes Christian . . . & Lesbian?

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Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – Muslim Saudi Gay Prince Murderer Edition

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Blago Juror Quote of the Day

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Nasty Like Al: Like Father, Like Daughter

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Happy Fall Weekend Day!: Columbus Under Further Attack, Even in . . . Columbus?! Columbus a Jew?; UPDATE: Kids Taught Darker Side of Columbus, Put Him on Trial, Find Guilty

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