OUTRAGE But No Surprise: CIS Agents Aided Islamists Seeking Visas; Similar Problems @ ICE

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

“Black Ass”: Racist Top ICE Officials; Jihadists Preferred Over Blacks

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

Homeland Security, ICE Professional Responsibility Chieftess Protect Drug Smuggler Alien

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

American Immigration Enforcement Held Hostage, YEAR ONE

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

Is This How They Recruit New ICE Agents? Good Luck

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

DHS Inspector General: Immigration Agency Protects Cronies, Fails to Stop Corrupt Agents

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

SCHLUSSEL EXCLUSIVE: Immigration Agency’s Sweetheart Deal 4 Sex Criminal Agent; ICE Official Clark Made Deal

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

Frankie Fig: ICE Sex Criminal Sentenced to Nothing; WWJD (What Will Julie Do)?

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

The Truth: Why Women REALLY Don’t Run Plants . . . Or Immigration Agency’s Corruption Investigations

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’

Good or Bad News for Borders?: ICE Princess to Spawn; Special Treatment for Female Agents

Posts Tagged ‘Traci Lembke’