UK Lord Ahmed Blames the Jews for His Imprisonment for Vehicular Murder

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

US’ Mid-East Envoy Tony Blair: “I Read the Koran Every Day”

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Bush (NOT Obama) Made Deal on Libya, Megrahi Release; Obama Strongly Opposed

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Weekend Box Office: “Alice,” “Brooklyn’s Finest,” “Ghost Writer”

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Bush’s Giant Mortgage Bail-Out Program . . . FOR PALESTINIANS!

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Be a Lion, Don’t See This Lying “Lamb”: The Mythology of Professor Redford

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

OUTRAGE: Bush, Condi, U.S. Pressure Israel to Free Mass Murderer Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Saudi Sleaze: Bandar Bush a/k/a Saudi Prince Bandar Took $2B Kickbacks from Contractors

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

Baker’s Back

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’

“Borat”: The Joke’s on You, America

Posts Tagged ‘Tony Blair’