April Fools @ The Newsistan: Writer w/2 Aliases Wants to Protect Aliens w/Multiple Aliases; “Detroit” TV Critic Who Fled to L.A. Disses Al Roker For Showing the Real Detroit

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Live From the Illegal Alien Debate: Ron Paul – “America Creates Terrorist Leaders”, Fred Thompson – “I’m Not Concerned w/Anchor Babies” & Other Assorted BS

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

On Muslim Immigration: Congressman Goode Responds

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

It’s Official: ICE Princess Gears Up for Guest Workers Amnesty

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

No Sale: Fed Up Immigration Agents Respond to ICE Princess’ Empty Bluster

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Hillary, Take Note . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Memo To the Wall St. Journal: The INS is Gone . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Howard Kaloogian: He Deserves to Be in Congress

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Senate Likely To Fail America on Immigration Overhaul

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’

Schlussel Finalist for Jihad Watch’s Anti-Dhimmi Of the Year

Posts Tagged ‘Tom Tancredo’