Northwest Airlines, Fly with The Terrorists: Hezbo Leaders’ Cousin Now Holds Key Position in Major Airline

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Stop Donating!: Largest Jewish Organizations Enable Islamic Terrorist Group

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Woman of the Year: Tom Brady

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Good AND Bad News: Arabic Fastest Growing Language in American Colleges, Reaches Top Ten

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Your Tax $$$s @ Work – University of Michigan: “Jerusalem, Palestine” and “Detroit: Islamic City”

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Your Free Speech Vs. The Terrorists’ Free Speech

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Kristallnacht Eve, The Sequel: Liberal Michigan Co-Op Boycotts Israel, Utters Anti-Semitic Slogans, Displays Swastikas

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

H. L. Schlussel, M.D., My Dad, Z”L* (1937-2007): Blessed Be The Memory of an American Patriot, Proud Jew

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Me on Michael Reagan Show Tonight

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’

Mitt the Hezbollah Twit/Steven Tyler Wannabe, Fred T’s Backtrack on Jihad Spence & NRO’s Islamist Predilections

Posts Tagged ‘The University of Michigan’