Shocker: TV Show About Smart Muslim Immigrant vs. Dumb Americans is on Life Support

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Serpenthead Manifesto: Chertoff Lectures Black America, “Help Muslim Americans” Who Support Jihad

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Meet Your “Moderate,” “American” Muslim Neighbors: New Study Shows U.S. Muslims Are Extremists

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Notes on the Friends of the IDF

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Homeland Security Wishes You A Happy Eid Al-Fitr

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Kiefer: “24” to Take “Strong Political Stand” . . . in Support of American Islamists?

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Hilarious: Don’t Call Miami Islamic Terror Cell “Muslim,” Says CAIR

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’

Radical Islam’s Phony Patriotism

Posts Tagged ‘the American Muslim’