NBC FINA World Cup Swimming Broadcast Censors Out Israeli Flag to Appease Muslims, Flag Also Pulled @ Facility

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

The Taki Mrabet Olympic Hoax: When Anti-Israel Loons Can’t Find Anti-Israel Stories, They Make ‘Em Up

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

HILARIOUS! Video: Why Don’t Black People Swim? A Barbershop Speaks Out

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

No Swimming for Dhimmis: How Will the Left Excuse This Latest Western Muslim “Tolerance”?

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

More Rube TV Destined for Failure: Welcome to the Enviro-Celeb Channel; Tommy Lee Tells You How to Live

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

Wikipedia Chief Admits Doctoring Girlfriend’s Entry–Did Jimmy Wales “Date” Monica Crowley, Too? UPDATE: Marsden Denies, Says Wikipedia Editors Reviewed Entry, No Relationship w/ Marsden Beyond 1-Night

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

Why Can’t He Be the Dem Nominee?: NaNu, NaNu From Dennis Kucinich

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Those ‘Mazin’ Publick Skools: U.S. Fourth Graders Are “Childz” Left Behind

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

Strange Brew: Only George Bush Celebrates Feminist Anniversary, Male Defeat

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’

Al Gore & The Karate Kid’s Girlfriend Meet Title IX

Posts Tagged ‘swimming’