OUTRAGE: Washington Post Refuses to Run Ad for Book on Jihad & Doctors

Posts Tagged ‘supervisor’

Where I Am Today & What I’m Saying: Sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, Muslim Alien Hate Crime Perpetrator

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Double Standard: My “Justice” vs. Justice for Muslims in America

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Border Agents’ Unanimous No-Confidence Vote: Will ICE Agents Vote?; Peppermint Patty Update

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SURRENDER: IslamoFascist Sensitivity Training Begins for Air Marshals, Rest of Homeland “Security”

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“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Indicted, Another Guilty for Death Threats Against Schlussel

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Illegal Conflicts Abound With Bush Nomination of Mr. ICE Princess as US Attorney

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Too Late, State Dept. Admits Arafat Ordered Murder of American Diplomats; EXCLUSIVE: NSA Palestinian Analyst Contacts Schlussel

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On 9/11, I Salute My Cousin Jon Schlissel, Z”L

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More Notes on the Miami Terror Cell: FBI, ICE Incompetence Let Dangerous Muslim Go

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