Meet Sarah Palin’s Chosen Candidate, the Nutty Rand Paul (Sympathizes w/ Iran, Compared U.S. Troops to Hitler, Etc.)

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

Et Tu, Front Page Mag?: Site That Preaches Against Jihad Whitewashes Jihadi Comrade Robert Novak; More Right-Wing Whitewashing

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

9/11 Truthers Lament Bob Novak: First to Call Terrorist Attacks “an Inside Job”, Claimed Israel Behind Attacks

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

More on Bob Novak: Hardly Conservative; Plus, Bob Grant, the Idiot & Newsbusters Whitewash anti-Novak Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

Nauseating to the Nth: Condi Clueless Gives Award to Hezbollah Official

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

EXCLUSIVE: The Muslim Honor Killing Hollywood Doesn’t Want You to See (Anti-Semitic Scenes Remain); Did ICE Movie Writer/Director Lie to Get U.S. Citizenship?

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

New CBS Show: “Do You Get Nervous When You See a Muslim on an Airplane?”

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New “24” Trailer Features ACLU-CAIR-John Conyers Message

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

Some Other Faked Reuters Photos of Note From Lebanon

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’

One Little Lamb & 3+ Bad Wolves: A Short History of the Mid-East Peace Process

Posts Tagged ‘Sultan Knish’