OUTRAGE: Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Praises allah, Makes Islamic Declaration, Calls For Release of All Gitmo Terrorists; Did Bergdahl Convert to Islam?

Posts Tagged ‘STFU’

IDIOT: “Marky Mark” Wahlberg Says He’s Braver Than 9/11 Passengers

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TMI: Skanky Mrs. Brady & Other Has-Been Celebrities, Shut Up!

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DISGUSTING VIDEO!: Dem Congressman Apologizes to Muslims on Behalf of America

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Pro Baseball Players Learn to STFU on Arizona Immigration Law

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Barack Hussein Obama STFU, er . . . SOTU: “US Muslims Part of American Family”

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SAD: The Sign My Dr. Had to Post For Our Nation of Morons

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“STFU, Governator” Video of the Day

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Another Dumb Actress Attacks Israel, Supports Residential Redlining of Jews

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The Predictable Muslim Response There Is v. The One There Should Be (But Never Happens)

Posts Tagged ‘STFU’