Telltale Heart: Life Imitates “Art” in Strange Dual Suicides

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

“Islamic Outreach” Run Amok: Entire U.S. Attorney’s Office Recused From Hanooti Iraqi Spy Case

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

Failure of Terrorism Financing Investigations is Indictment of FBI, Current ICE “Leadership”; L.A. Times’ Annoying Excuses

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

ICEfeld: One of Most Important Border States Gets SIXTH(!) New Immigration Chief in FIVE Years

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

Wimpitude . . . or Dhimmitude?: FBI Hints Around, but PC-Gags Itself on Hezbo Cells in U.S.

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

HILARIOUS!: FBI Appoints Hezbo-Panderer to Guard Jews from Hezbollah

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

OUTRAGE!: FBI Advertises on Anti-Semitic, Holocaust Denier Website

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

On MLK Day, Here’s a Reminder For Muslims Invoking His Name: King Was Pro-Israel; Open Anti-Semite Hosts Arab MLK Event . . . Yet Feds to Attend

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

The Dallas Muslim Honor Killings & ICE: I Correctly Called It, Dallas HQ, Plus Policy Implications

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’

Happy Chanukah!: Where Are Today’s Maccabees?

Posts Tagged ‘Special Agent’