ISIS Muslim Jihad in My Hometown . . . & How the Media Turned it Into “Islamophobia”?!

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Ultimate Racebaiter: Dem Congressman (Who Supports Occupy Grp) Lies About Being 1/2 Black to Get Votes

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Rabbi Joseph Krakoff: Synagogue Bans Schlussel, Hosts HAMASnik/Israel Boycotter

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

What Happened to My Neighbor, Tommy “Hitman” Hearns?

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

’09 Leftover/’10 Preview: Another Religion of Peace Christmas “Gift” – Muslim Aliens Are Raping My Neighbors

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Jerusalem . . . Detroit: The Attacks on Jews Continue Their Escalation

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Schlussel Quoted in Today’s New York Times

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Back to Jail, Ho!

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Wall Street Journal Reporter Needs to Check Facts on Terror-Funding Charity

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’

Jihad’s Media Suckers: The Morons that Run Local News; Fake MSNBC Story Still Up

Posts Tagged ‘Southfield’