How Many Illegal Alien Hezbollah Muslims Did Dr. Makki Help Into US? Where Are They? – Gets Just 2 Years!

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Muslim Bomber: Apparently From Hezbollah; Chicago Tax Funds for Saudi Islamo-Fest

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Don’t Fall for Miss Hezbo USA’s BS on Ground Zero Mosque

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“Religion of Peace” Ramadan Death Threat of the Day

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American OUTRAGE: Christian Faces Life in Prison for Self-Defense Against Dearborn Muslim Mob

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Alhamdillullah [Praise allah]: Hezbollah Leader Fadlallah Dies on Independence Day; “Moderates” Praise Dead Terrorist Chief

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MTV Casts Anti-Israel Muslima on “Real World” – “The Real World, Hezbollah”

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Israeli Planes Land in S. Arabia to Attack Iran: No, There’s No Thaw of Islamic World Hatred for Jews, Israel

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Detroit Red Wing Fans for Hezbollah: Shlumpy Toledo Muslims Get Caught

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Welcome to Hezbollah-Ville: Prominent Scenes From Miss USA’s Hometown, Srifa, Lebanon; Miss USA’s Visit

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