Be a Lion, Don’t See This Lying “Lamb”: The Mythology of Professor Redford

Posts Tagged ‘Sergeant’

“Religion of Tolerance”: Mich. Muslims Distribute Anti-Christian/Semitic Lit; Ill. Muslims KO Halloween, Christmas Parties, Pork

Posts Tagged ‘Sergeant’

Yet Another Casualty of the Illegal Alien Invasion: Deportee Murders Heroic Cop

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After FBI Release of Suspect Photos, Mysterious Package Found on Ferry; Muslims Angry (Shocker)

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88,000 Still Missing: Bring ALL of Our POW MIAs Home

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On Memorial Day, the True American Heroes Remembered

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Incredible: Helmet Saves Man Whose Head Was Run Over by Truck

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Just “a Prank”?: Moroccan College Student Caught on Roof of Mass. State House

Posts Tagged ‘Sergeant’

Bombs Away: Hmmm . . . What’s His Name & Religion?

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Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin: Missing Three Years

Posts Tagged ‘Sergeant’