HILARIOUS: Russian Tennis Prez Said WHAT?! About the Williams “Sisters”

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Serena Williams’ Racist Defense of Rape; Would She Attack a Black Victim of a White Rapist?

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Serena Williams Does Crip Walk Upon Winning Olympic Gold Medal – Classy Chick! (VIDEO)

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Obama Cop-Hater “Common” is Muslim, Attacked Churches’ “Treatment of Women”

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Low Class: Now NFL Commissioner, Team Owner Attacking Limbaugh; Anti-Semitism, Death Threats OK for NFL Owners, But NOT Conservatism

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Kanye West, Serena Williams: Black Panther’s Muslim Son, Race Merchant’s Tennis Daughter Show True Colors; Only White Congressmen Need Apologize

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’

Venus/Serena Dad: Bored by My Daughters = Racism

Posts Tagged ‘Serena Williams’