Houssein Zorkot: More on Dearbornistan’s Latest Hezbollah Terrorist; Prosecutor: “Jihad Has So Many Meanings”

Posts Tagged ‘search warrant’

It’s Mega(hed)-Official: Smiling Muslim “Just Fireworks” Terrorists are Islamic Jihad, Tied to Al-Arian; Trained in Scuba @ Fla. Keys

Posts Tagged ‘search warrant’

UPDATE: Finally, FBI Raids Al-Mabarat Hezbollah Charity in Dearbornistan; But FBI Holds Apology-Fest w/ Muslims; Raids Staged to Help Abu Porno Judicial Nomination?

Posts Tagged ‘search warrant’

Terrorist Life Imitates Art: Did Miami Terror Cell Watch Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell”?; Wanted to Bomb Miami Heat Parade

Posts Tagged ‘search warrant’

Muslim Terror Attack on Home Depot: Where’s the Media Coverage?

Posts Tagged ‘search warrant’