Jewish Media, ADL, Snopes Work Overtime Whitewashing Anti-Israel Whole Foods; Here Are the FACTS

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

Can’t Afford Your Kids’ College? You’re Funding Palestinian Kids’ Scholarships

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

Can’t Afford College? Pretend You’re Iraqi

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

Semantics of Vannity: New Hannity Soldiers Scam – “Buy My Book, (Non-Existent) Profits Go to Troops Charity”

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

The Freedom Alliance’s Weak, Empty “Response”; More to Come on This Fraud

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

Posts Tagged ‘scholarships’