Just in Time For the Holidays, Jews “Cook Palestinian Children in Ovens” Says Palestinian TV

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Taking Bets: “Religion of Peace” and Fatal Trampling

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Surprise: Jamie Foxx, Star of Major Pro-Saudi “Thriller”, Praises Islamists

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Islamic “Coma,” The Sequel: Your Muslim Doctor Could Kill You

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The Best Editorial Page Saudi Money Can Buy

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1st The Saudis, Now the Chi-Coms: The ICE Princess’ Patrons & Your Immigration Tax $$$s

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Our Muslim Friends Celebrate An Early Thanksgiving

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NOT AGAIN!: Shameless Saudi Govt. Offering Scholarships to Study Aviation in U.S.!

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Hijacking School Buses: SCARY Updates on 2 Saudi Men & the DC Snipers

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“Religion of Peace”/ “Our Allies” The Saudis Update

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