Jihad Darrell’s Thuggery v. Rahm’s Way: Mega-Pot, Kettle, Black; Issa’s Criminal Past

Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’

Jihad Darrell, Hezbo’s Fave GOP Congressman: 9/11 “Simply” a Plane Crash

Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’

Thanks, Dr. Death: Suicide Doctor’s Nader-esque Congressional Race Will Help Hezbollah’s Republican Get Re-Elected; SCHLUSSEL Endorses Dems Running Against Hezbo Republicans

Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’

Schlussel Radio Across America: Me on Roger Hedgecock Show Today

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Violence Against Border Agents Doubles: Increase in Giant Rock-Throwing, Shooting

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Important Rat Study of the Day

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Hezbollah’s Fave Congressman Cites Me in Whining Anti-Semitic, Arab/Muslim “Race Card” Fundraising Letter

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The Swastika Building, The Penny, & Your Tax Dollars at Waste

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No Wonder: Is It Like This w/ Every Illegal Alien? – The DHS, ICE & Border Patrol Meltdown (Secret Videos of Immigration Enforcement Planning)

Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’

OUTRAGE But No Surprise: CIS Agents Aided Islamists Seeking Visas; Similar Problems @ ICE

Posts Tagged ‘San Diego’