Comedy Club Owner Says He Was Duped, Defrauded Into Writing a Letter for Muslim Defendant Robert Mustaq John

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Justice For Muslims v. “Justice” for You: Federal Judge Azrack Goes Soft on Robert Mustaq John

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Me on Larry Elder Radio Show

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Thanks, Larry Elder: Talk Show Host, Columnist Brings Attention to Case of Robert Mustaq John

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Robert Mustaq John: Many Thanks to My Readers, But “Justice” Waits for Another Day; WHAT YOU CAN DO

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Where I Am Today & What I’m Saying: Sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, Muslim Alien Hate Crime Perpetrator

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Double Standard: My “Justice” vs. Justice for Muslims in America

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

More on JFK Plot: What About the Caribbean Muslim Who Threatened My Life?

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Indicted, Another Guilty for Death Threats Against Schlussel

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’

Harassed by Muslims: Ibrahim Chami, Why Are You Calling Me?

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Mustaq John’