EXCLUSIVE E-Mails Show GOP Governor In Love With HAMAS Terrorism Fundraiser; Won’t Condemn HAMAS, Hezbollah

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

MI GOP Gov Snyder to Muslims: Help Me Bring More Refugees Here; HAMAS/Hezbo Org is “National Treasure”

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

Dick Morris, Americans for Prosperity, GOP & Michelle Malkin Taking Illegal Alien Bridge Cash

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

Told Ya: GOP Gov Hosts CAIR Netwk, Israel Boycott Leader; Calls For More Muslim Immigrants

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

Who is Derrick Miller?: Meet Mitt Romney’s Friend, Kwame Kilpatrick’s Bag Man

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

GOP, Dem Gov Candidates To Speak @ Anti-Israel Dinner Honoring HAMAS Fundraiser

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’

Playing the Nerd Card

Posts Tagged ‘Rick Snyder’