My Former Boss Pleads Guilty in Islamic Terrorism Case

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

I Will Miss Bobby Knight: Vilified Coach Was Old-School Values Figure

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

What Happened to My Former Boss Mark Siljander?: Indicted for Helping Islamic Charity That Funded Al-Qaeda, Taliban

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Dr. Jekyll & the Late Henry Hyde: GOP Rep. Took $$ From Terrorist Al-Arian, Harassed Me for Reporting it, Was Strong Anti-Israel/Pan-Terrorist Force in Congress

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Hezbollah’s Fave Congressman Cites Me in Whining Anti-Semitic, Arab/Muslim “Race Card” Fundraising Letter

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Mitt the Hezbollah Twit/Steven Tyler Wannabe, Fred T’s Backtrack on Jihad Spence & NRO’s Islamist Predilections

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Rep. Steven Chabot, President–Republicans for Shielding Muslim Illegal Aliens

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

ReTHUGlican: GOP Congressman Bilbray Says Libby Should Be Shot

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Well, No Wonder Congress Won’t Touch The ICE Princess

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’

Roger Ebert Responds, But Court Affirms His Friend is a Terrorist

Posts Tagged ‘Republican Congressman’