Ismaaiyl Brinsley: Avowed Muslim Executed 2 NYPD Cops in Latest Jihad; Rand Paul Cozies to Sharpton; Racist Sickos Cheer Murders

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Snowden No Hero – Should Be Prosecuted Like Manning; Partisan Hypocrites: Despite Denials, Limbaugh Others Supported More Invasive Bush NSA Wiretapping

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

That’s Your Prez Candidate? Rand Paul to Unveil Immigration Amnesty Program Tomorrow @ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Rand Paul’s Phony Grandstanding Echoes HAMAS CAIR/Iran on Drones; Hands Off Nidal Malik Hasan, Jose Padilla & Adam Gadahn?

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Will This Make Me Test Positive for llegal Drugs?

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Chuck Hagel’s Anti-Israel Speeches – I Told You About It First; Jennifer Rubin’s Double Standard on Israel-Hatred; UPDATE: Rand Paul Puts on Hold

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

No Tears for Rand Paul, Airport Hassler (For Everybody Else in Line)

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Responding to Schlussel Expose, Charity Navigator Downgrades Hannity Charity: Freedom Alliance Rating Now Only 2 Stars (“Needs Improvement”)

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Meet Sarah Palin’s Chosen Candidate, the Nutty Rand Paul (Sympathizes w/ Iran, Compared U.S. Troops to Hitler, Etc.)

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’

Sarah Palin Endorses “Lindsey GrahAMNESTY”; Gives $1K to Israel-Hater

Posts Tagged ‘Rand Paul’