Some Questions I’d Like to Ask the Starbucks Barista About Race & Other Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘race’

“Post-Racial” Season’s Greetings From Ferguson

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Black Kid Admitted to All 8 Ivy League Schools Isn’t What Media Claims

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“You Can’t Say That in Front of Black People!” – This Jewelry Symbolizes Muslim Subjugation

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White Men Now Minority Among Congressional Dems; A Congress of “Proud” “Firsts” – 1st Bisexual, Etc.

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JoAnn Watson: Meet the Racist Whackjob Detroit City Council Chick Demanding Obama Bailout

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Ultimate Racebaiter: Dem Congressman (Who Supports Occupy Grp) Lies About Being 1/2 Black to Get Votes

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Trayvon Martin VIDEO: Calls Clear George Zimmerman of Racism; FBI Breathing Down His Neck

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ABSURD: Burger King Pulls Mary J. Blige Ad After Cries of “RACISM!” – VIDEO

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Few US Blacks Have American Indian Blood, Contrary to Claims of Many

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