Doctor Gets only 10 Months For Helping 100s of (Muslim) Aliens Fraudulently Get Citizenship

Posts Tagged ‘psychiatrist’

Weekend Box Office: Thrilling Sci-Fi Remake, Hilarious Depraved Comedy, and More Duds

Posts Tagged ‘psychiatrist’

Dumbed Down Nation: Blame Mr. Rogers

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I Told You So: The Muslim Doctor Terrorists Are No Surprise; Revealing Muslim Doctors’ Oath

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When Your Doctor is a Muslim: Medical Terrorism Comes to America

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Weekend Box Office: America-Hating Shooter Mishmosh, Charming Kids Flick, Dumb 9/11 Depression

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Psychobabble Study: Tough on Terrorism? Then, You’re a Bad Parent, Unstable

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Highly Recommended Last Minute Book Gift Ideas

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