Anthony Lewis, Far-Left Anti-Israel JINO, RIH

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Second Anti-Israel “Israeli” Film Gets Oscar Nom; Director is Israeli Draft-Dodger

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Gingrich Critic Elliot Abrams Was Bush Pro-Palestinian Point Man; Anti-Semitic Attacks on Newt Donor

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Wknd Box Office: Haywire, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Red Tails, A Dangerous Method

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

New Detroit Pistons Owner to Schlussel: “Israel Is Evil, I Support Palestine; US Govt Brainwashed”

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Lunch In Tul Karem x2: Two Pro-Palestinian Dumbasses Murdered by Palestinians

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Surprise! Saudi Prince Endorses Anti-Israel Murdoch Son to Head FOX News Empire

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

Questions About Released Far-Left Activist “Hiker” Sarah Shourd

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’

“Killing Us Softly”: Gwyneth Paltrow Fundraises for Terror-Front Palestinian Charity Tied to HAMAS, PLO, Al-Qaeda

Posts Tagged ‘pro-Palestinian’