More Accounts of Brave Rabbi & Cowardly Muslim Attackers in Brooklyn

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“Religion of Peace”: Christmas in Gaza a Time of Fear

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Weekend Box Office: “We Own The Night,” “Michael Clayton”

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Hamtrackstan, Sharia Sanctuary City: What Happens When Muslims & Dhimmis Run an American Town

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Lefty Loon Rabbi Defends Michael Vick, Plays Race Card, Rants Against Corporations

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Great American: Meet the 4′-11″ 83-Year-Old Who Saved Thousands of Soldiers, Cops

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Chris Webber’s “Artifacts”

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Mitt Happens: Great Omen for a Romney Presidency

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EXCLUSIVE: Dearbornistan’s Muslim Community Police Officer Fired; Under Investigation by Feds, Local Prosecutors

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Global Warming Zealots Kill a Small Texas Town

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