CYA Reading of the Day: Congress Excoriates DHS’ ICE Princess, “Serpenthead” Over Racist Behavior/Cover-Up; What is DHS/ICE Hiding in Secret Internal Report?

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Weekend Box Office: Hilarious Geeks-Fight-Back Flick, Depressing Anti-Christian Waste of Time, Etc.

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USA Today: CFL Bulbs Are Like Gay Sex Toys

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Oops, She Did It Again: Loony Britney’s Two Muslim Paramours; Hey ICE, What is Adnan Ghalib’s Immigration Status?

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Catfight of the Day: Fabio v. George Clooney

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H. L. Schlussel, M.D., My Dad, Z”L* (1937-2007): Blessed Be The Memory of an American Patriot, Proud Jew

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88,000 Still Missing: Bring ALL of Our POW MIAs Home

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Iwo Jima: A Name Change Won’t Change History

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Joe Rosenthal: Important American Photographer Remembered

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On Memorial Day

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