Ringling Brothers Circus, RIP: Animal Rights Nutjobs Killed the Greatest Show on Earth

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

Noahcide: “Noah” Movie is More Like “Game of Thrones” Than Bible; Better Title: “Not Noah”

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

PETA Won: The Dumbest Custody Fight Ever

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

Wknd Box Office: Rise of Planet of the Apes, Change-Up, Myth of American Sleepover

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Weekend Box Office: “Water for Elephants”

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

Funny Video: PETA – People Encouraging Traffic Accidents

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

HILARIOUS Videos: Obama Locked Out of WH; PETA Demands Changes in Bible

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Where’s PETA?: Al-Qaeda’s Kamikaze Canine Bombs on Your Plane?

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’

VIDEO of the Day: Whale Attacks Yacht, Lib Media Scream “Whale Harassment”

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Humorous Video: Finally, PETA a/k/a PUTAh Has a Point

Posts Tagged ‘PETA’