MUST WATCH – HAMAS’ Love, er . . . Hate Boat: My Lyrics & Pics, Their VIDEO – Capt. Mohammed Stubing, Jihad Gopher Welcome You Aboard

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Pat HAMAS Buchanan: Qaeda Attacks on US Justified b/c of Israel – TownHall, Human Events, WND Run Column

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Bar” Homicide Bombers

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

VIDEO: Brave Kid (Protesting HAMAS Flotilla) Couldn’t Do This in Dearbornistan

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Letter from a Dearbornistan Muslim Friend: Israel & the HAMAS Gaza Flotilla

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Quote of the Day – HAMAS Gaza Flotilla

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Yes, International Law Allowed Israel to Board HAMAS War Flotilla

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

UPDATED VIDEO: Yup, Looks Like a “Peaceful” Convoy/Flotilla To Me, Too

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’

Scary VIDEO: Gaza Terror Flotilla & Animal Life Imitates “Art” in Turkey: Barbarians Attack Israeli Embassy

Posts Tagged ‘peace convoy’