ABSURD: “Annie” Tryouts Feature Psychiatrists, “Self Esteem Counselors” – Far Cry From My ’70s Audition

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Lara Logan, Liar/Sexist: Denies Knowing Muslims Abuse Women; Says Gang Rape is How Men WorldWide (Not Muslims) Treat Women

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“Good Friday”: In Jones Trial Coverage, FOX News Censors Koran Burning Video

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VIDEO: Heart Attack Grill Revisited – Owner Begins to Pander to PC Food Police

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Extreme Makeover: Home Jihadist Whitewash Edition

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Fuss Over Navy Ship Video is Much PC Ado ‘Bout Nothin’

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VIDEO – Islamo-Hyper-Sensitivity Syndrome: Word “Ham” “Traumatizes” Muslim Student; Interpol Charges Teacher

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Halloween Intolerance: PC, Islam Cancel Halloween Across America

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More PC Run Amok: Thou Shalt Not Show Mining in Team Uniform Ads

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Buh-Bye, PC Jack Bauer: Plug Shoulda Been Pulled Long Ago

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