HUH? Obama Army Handbook Blames US Soldiers For Being Killed by Taliban, Says Not to Talk About Women’s Rights, Gays or Oppression

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Muslim Capitol Bomb Plotter Was Illegal Alien Bush/Obama Wouldn’t Deport

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Purple Jihad: Gay Thought Police Win Another One – Don’t Attack Pink on Twitter!

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Wknd Box Office: New Year’s Eve, The Sitter

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Another “Dividend” of US Army’s PC Islamo-Pandering to Nidal Malik Hasan

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Ad Absurdum: ABC Family Channel Censors Term “Iranian Terrorists” (VIDEO)

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NBC: Remember the Muslim “Children of 9/11”

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It’s Official: Forget 9/11; It’s “Be Kind to Muslims” Week on TV, Etc.

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“Captain America” Whitewashes the Nazis – No Swastikas; Disappearing Insignia on US Soldiers

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Hyper-Sensitive USA: America, You Can’t Handle the Truth – Ebert, Mccain & Morgan Learn the Hard Way

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