Islamic Terrorist Chutzpah of the Year: Palestinian Terrorist Did What?!

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Rasmieh Yousef Odeh: Islamic Terrorist Chick Got U.S. Citizenship bc Homeland Security Didn’t Google

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Your Tax Money Funds HAMAS Payments of $2,000 to Released Shalit Terrorists

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HAMAS Reaction to Israel’s Shalit Mega-Terrorist Trade Says It All

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Warned Ya: Israeli Soldier Shalit in Absurd Trade for Mega-Terrorists

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“Evil” IDF Promotes Palestinian Terrorist Cucumbers

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Jon Voight Invites Anti-Israel Daughter Angelina Jolie to Israel

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40 Dead: Are Islamic Terrorists Behind Largest Israeli Fire Ever?

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25 Years Later, Remember Leon Klinghoffer & the Achille Lauro Hijacking

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Thanks, Nothingyahu: Israel’s “Terrorist Highway” Open for Bid’ness

Posts Tagged ‘Palestinian terrorists’