Muslim Converted Canadian Greek High School Friend to Islam, Al-Qaeda; Murdered US Oil Workers in Algeria

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Toronto Muslim School Issues Phony “Apology” for Teaching Jew-Hatred

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Who is Eskender Mafarani & Why Did “Canadian” Smuggle $2 Milln Into US?

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ObamaCare: A Canadian Wait Time Preview; Canada Encourages Patients to Dr. Shop for Shorter Waits

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Those ‘Mazin’ Publick Skools: U.S. Fourth Graders Are “Childz” Left Behind

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What You Can’t Have on Your Vanity Plates

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UPDATE – Hussein Dabaja: Hezbollah Billboard Backer Involved in Dearbornistan Judge Bribery Case

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Windsor Hezbollah Billboard Removed; Well-Known Hezbollah Family Involved

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The Windsor Hezbollah Billboard:CBS Violates Federal Law

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International Drug Ring: Guess the Religion

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