What Abdulmutallab Was Doing In Houston: The FBI Should Be All Over These Guys; UPDATED – Map Fixed

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

CONFIRMED: 2nd Man Detained in Flt 253 Attack; Yup, the FBI Lied; Now Looking Into “Sharp-Dressed Man”/ No Passport Claims

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Dearbornistan Would Have Been Perfect Place for Abdulmutallab; No Prom, Cheating Muslim Football Players Lost Scholarships

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Was It Really a “Failed” Attack?

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s Mosque is Part of Al-Muhajiroun

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Predictable “Art Therapy”: Two Released Gitmo Terrorists Behind Flt 253 Attack

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Abdulmutallab’s Lawyer is Public Defender Who Forged Documents in Detroit Terror Cell Trial

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

Passengers Likely Right, FBI Lies About Second Man on Second Flight? UPDATE: Man Could Not Answer Why He Wanted to Go to US

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’

EPIC FAIL: Terrorist Abdulmutallab Allowed on Flt 253 w/out Passport b/c of “Sharp-Dressed Man”

Posts Tagged ‘NWA Flight 253’