Top Norwegian Youth Politician, Bro of Breivik Victim Wishes for More Jewish Holocaust Deaths; “F-ing Jew Whores”

Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

Karma #2: Norway Utoya Camp Was Also FATAH PLO Terrorist Camp

Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

Oslo News VIDEO: Muslims Committed ALL RAPES in Past 5 Years! (In Oslo)

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Badge of Bullcrap: Nobel Committee on the Defensive Re Obama

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Copper River Salmon Season

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America’s Future: French Jewish Woman Attacked, Carved w/ Swastika By Muslims

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Good News, Bad News on American Oil Imports: Schlussel Analysis

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Cat Stevens: Simmering HAMASnik, CrotchWoman & the Ignoble Nobel Peace Prize

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“Munich”–as Brought to You by Abu Spielberg, Minister of Disinformation

Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

Kaare Kristiansen, RIP: Brave Norwegian Resigned From Nobel Committee Over Arafat “Peace” Prize

Posts Tagged ‘Norway’