May G-d Avenge Their Blood: My Friend, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky & 3 Other Jews – THIS. IS. ISLAM.

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

HUH? Detroit News Endorses Hezbollah Muslim for Judge “B/c He Speaks Arabic & is Lebanese”

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

30 Years Ago Today, Iran Took Americans Hostage; 30 Yrs Later, They Won, We Lost; Quiet Shi’ite Invasion of US Soil

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

The Best Editorial Page Saudi Money Can Buy

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

Detroit Newsistan: Happy 4th of July From Iran/Hezbollah’s American Agent; Compares Our Troops to Palestinians

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

Extremist Imam Lectures Infidel Men on Domestic Violence

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

New Low: Detroit News Publishes Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist, Employee of Raided Terrorist Charity

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

Major League Hypocrite: Anti-Semitic Imam Chastises Mel Gibson; Says Jews Only Responsible for “Some” Wars

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

Hezbollah U.S.A, Part III: My Date at Dearbornistan’s Hezbollah Social Club

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’

Hezbollah U.S.A.: How a U.S. Attorney, the FBI, ICE & a Congressman Helped a Terror Group

Posts Tagged ‘Nolan Finley’