Hezbollah Restaurant Closes, But Tragedy is that US Govt Allowed it to Remain Open for TWO Years

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Weekend Box Office: The Other Uday-Qusay Hussein Girl, Silly Will Ferrell Flick, Anti-American Abu Ghraib/Gitmo Diatribe, Etc.

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Photo of the Year: Live From the Laura Bush Islamist Breast Cancer Tour . . .

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Double Standard: My “Justice” vs. Justice for Muslims in America

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Indicted, Another Guilty for Death Threats Against Schlussel

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Sundance Brings You “Why America Sucks”: 3 Anti-American Films on Iraq, Niece of Club Ted (Kennedy)

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QUICK QUIZ: Which of These is Torture? ACLU Refries Old Beans

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Never Again?: New John Ashcroft Book is Exercise in Hypocrisy

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Why Are Mormons (& John Conyers) Funding Islamic Terrorism?

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’

Premature Articulation: The REAL Jill Carroll for Jimmy Carter Geraghty and Others w/Reading Comprehension Deficiencies

Posts Tagged ‘Nicholas Berg’