FOX Only Network to Interrupt w/ Live Gushing Mandela Funeral Coverage

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Nelson Mandela Said WHAT?!

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Nelson “Kill the Whites” Mandela, Friend of HAMAS/PLO, Anti-Israel Racist, Dead; VIDEO: “Kill the Whites”

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Chuck Hagel’s Anti-Israel Speeches – I Told You About It First; Jennifer Rubin’s Double Standard on Israel-Hatred; UPDATE: Rand Paul Puts on Hold

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Free South Africa? Free Israel from Mandela (& Tutu & Jimmuh)

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Flying Nun is High on Somethin’: Dumb “Gender-Neutral” Quote of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’

Saudi Sleaze: Bandar Bush a/k/a Saudi Prince Bandar Took $2B Kickbacks from Contractors

Posts Tagged ‘Nelson Mandela’