FBI Tracking “100 Muslim Extremists” in US Military; Only 100? Why Are they IN the US Military?

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

Israel, Release List of HAMAS Flightilla Activists Now!

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

Frauds: House GOP Wimped Out to Obama, Cut Defense, NOT NPR

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

Air Marshal: We Worry About Passengers in Muslim Garb, Just Like Juan Williams

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

“View” Hags on Juan Williams: “Not Fact that Muslims Did 9/11, Like Saying Jews Killed Christ” (VIDEO)

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

New Holocaust Discovery: Touching BBC Recording @ Death Camp Liberation

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

Labnah Sandwich: PFLP Hijackings, Jews & ICE’s Abu Moskowitz

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’

I’m International, Today – BBC Radio

Posts Tagged ‘National Palestinian Radio’