HILARIOUS VIDEO: “Wheel of Fortune” College Player is Really Dumb

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HILARIOUS Video: Obamabot Morons Comment on Fake Polar Bear Attacks in Vermont Caused by “Global Warming”

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VIDEO: “I’m Embarrassed to Be White” – Racist Blacks, White Libs Attack Plan to Save Detroit; FOX News Sanitizes

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Funny VIDEO: America’s Brilliant College Grads Said What?

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San Fran City Leaders Consulted Ouija Board, Ghost of Dead Gay Guy for Advice

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IDIOT: “Marky Mark” Wahlberg Says He’s Braver Than 9/11 Passengers

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Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier?

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Moron Nation: College Admissions Hits New Low – Twitter Applications

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Party Like It’s 699: Prince Says Islam is Fun, Applauds Burqas

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Sean Hannity: “I’m Looking for the Real Killers,” Not Casey Anthony

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