Catching Up: Belated Heroes/Villains of 2005

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

“The War Within”: NBA’s Mark Cuban Produces Sympathetic Homicide Bomber Film (Blows up Grand Central)

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Bad “Flight Plan”: Jodie Foster Film Defames Air Marshals, Flight Attendants

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

FBI Would Have Ignored Able Danger Warnings

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Kelo in Gaza: Detroit News’ Halal Reporter & Other Media Lies About Israel’s Disengagement

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Spielberg “Vengeance” Update: Steven’s Stockholm Syndrome Worse Than I’d Earlier Diagnosed

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Cuppa Joe or Cuppa Jihad: While Muslims Boycott Starbucks, You Should Boycott Caribou Coffee

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Kentucky Derby’s Terrorist Sheiks

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’