Terrorists? What Terrorists?: Incredibly Clueless “Serpenthead” Quotes of the Day

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Rep. Steven Chabot, President–Republicans for Shielding Muslim Illegal Aliens

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Weekend Read: Study Shows Terrorists Are More Educated, Wealthy, From Oppressive Countries

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

Classy “Religion of Peace” E-Mail of the Day: From a Hezbollah Supporter

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Best & Worst Movies of 2006

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Trolley Square Terrorist Chutzpah: Newspaper Asks for Donations; Relative Sent Anthrax Threat

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Dumb Bush Immigration Move of the Day

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Violins for Terrorists Story of the Day

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A Not So Happy Thanksgiving at ICE?; ICE Official’s Charlie Brown Cameo; “Meltdown” Follow-Up

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’

American Airlines Slaps Dead Flight Crew: How Corporate America Forgot 9/11

Posts Tagged ‘Mohammed Atta’